Ä – Free Offers Boy Clicks Girl – New Online Dating Ebook – 75% Commission

Bro… we need to talk…

If you ever tried to hook up with a girl online before, you probably did something like this:

Sound familiar? You’re not alone.

Most guys experience the same thing. It’s almost as if…

You spend hours looking at women’s profiles, trying to figure out what to say.

Maybe you take your time to write out a well-written message that references her profile and points out all the things you have in common.

But despite that, she STILL doesn’t write you back.

It couldn’t hurt right?

They say dating is a numbers game, so if you email hundreds of women, you’re bound to get at least ONE reply right?

Maybe you get lucky and a few girls write you back. One of them might even be cute.

Mission accomplished right?

This is easier said than done. Wait too long and you could end up being pen pals. Ask too early and you could scare her off.

Plus, meeting a guy from the net can be a little scary for a woman. You’ve got to establish some rapport and make her feel safe with you FIRST. Only then will she be comfortable enough to meet you in person for a date.

Unfortunately, this is where most guys screw up.

They have no idea how to take a woman they meet online and TRANSITION her to the real world in a way that feels NATURAL to her.

And that’s where I come in…

You see, I used to struggle with online dating too. I was never a “natural” with women in the real world, so online dating was my only option of ever finding a girlfriend.

I signed up to several dating sites and started testing different emails to see which ones got the most responses from women.

After a few days, I started getting some responses. After a few weeks, I had gotten my first date with a woman. (A sexy little brunette named Christine.)

I kept track of what worked and what didn’t, jotting down notes and ideas as I went. Bit by bit I started putting the pieces of the online dating puzzle together.

I continued this learning process over the next 5 years. Online dating had become my obession. It was insane.

The result?

I emailed THOUSANDS of women. I got HUNDREDS of responses. And I went on DOZENS of dates. I got to a point where I could set up a date with a woman any time I wanted. I had achieved what most men only dream about.

I had created a system that let me date women on demand.

And today, I’d like to make that system available to YOU.


Boy Clicks Girl Cover

If you’ve ever told yourself:

“If women only knew what a great guy I was, I wouldn’t have any trouble getting dates.”

This program is for you.

I’m going to show you how to get the best version of yourself in front of hundreds of beautiful women using dating websites.

I’ll guide you step-by-step and show you how to set up dates with women any time you want. Everything is designed to be FAST, so you’ll see results within DAYS, not weeks or months.

Here’s what you’re going to learn…

  • How to create that “I gotta meet you” feeling inside a woman every time she reads your emails. Page 146

  • The one thing a lot of men do when they put their picture online that instantly turns a woman off. (Overlook this tidbit and you can kiss your chances of getting a date goodbye.) Page 47

  • A simple technique to send her objections about meeting a guy from the net into the past… where they belong! Page 144

  • A sneaky email tactic that makes a woman feel like she’s known you forever, so she’ll trust you like an old friend. (This focuses more of her attention on you and less on other guys.) Page 139

  • The exact sentence I use in my emails to ask women out. (To this day, I’ve never had a woman say no.) Page 155

  • 9 “undercover techniques” that instantly let you know if a woman is the REAL DEAL or just some flaky bimbo. (Use these to weed out the “attention whores” who just waste your time and money.) Page 95

  • From first click to first date: See a complete email transcript where I ask a woman out on a date. (You’ll get to read everything word for word.) Page 159

  • Why adding a woman to your Facebook or Myspace page is a BAD idea and what to do instead that is TEN times better. Page 141

  • The two email subject lines that have gotten me the most responses from women. Page 107

  • How I got one woman so addicted to my emails, she wouldn’t turn her computer off until she went to bed to ensure she never missed a message from me. Page 140

  • The “slippery slide” technique to build MOMENTUM inside a woman so that she reads your emails from start to finish, each and every time. Page 59

  • The “magic phrase” that makes the process of getting to know a woman TEN TIMES more fun and exciting. (Add this gem to your emails and you’ll never be labelled boring again.) Page 137

  • How to get a woman to remember you, no matter how many other guys contact her first. Page 71

  • My turbo-charged TAKE ACTION “checklist” that OBLITERATES all traces of procrastination so you can build a persona that attracts women like a ten ton magnet attracts paper clips. Page 37

  • How to structure your profile so that any woman reading it feels as if it was written specifically for her. Page 76

  • 5 words to include at the end of your email that challenges a woman. (This pushes her to write you back because she’ll feel the need to validate herself to you.) Page 112

  • Picture DOMINATION: 25 little tweaks to show a woman you’re a five star choice over other guys by dazzling her with your photos. (Even if you’re not photogenic.) Page 46

  • A simple trick that makes your emails STAND OUT from every other guy in her inbox. (Implement this “ninja-like” tactic and your message will be one of the only emails she reads & responds too.) Page 106

  • The 29 most common clichés guys make when they first email a woman. (Use these to show her you’re the ONE GUY that “gets it” and understands what she’s going through.) Page 56

  • 5 ways to “screen” a woman that lets you know if she’s worth meeting in person. (Once you know these, you’ll never spend months chasing the wrong women again.) Page 143

  • Women test men all the time, now it’s your turn to test HER. Use my “3 questions” routine as a playful test she has to pass in order to prove herself worthy to you. Page 137

  • 3 fun ways to become a guy that women find INTERESTING. (Not only does this enhance your own life, it acts as perfect ammunition to sweep a woman off her feet during the first date.) Page 32

  • How to ease a woman’s fears about online dating by taking the 7 scenarios she’s most afraid of and turning them into something PLAYFUL and FLIRTY. Page 69

  • How to take your flaws & turn them into positive traits without lying. (I’ll show you a word for word example how you can take a bad quality and turn it into an attractive quirk.) Page 63

  • My personal email openers that you can send to a woman right now. These are the emails I’ve used to get THOUSANDS of responses from women. (Yeah, you’re welcome.) Page 128

  • How to take the most boring aspects of your life and turn them into powerful images that talk to her emotionally. (I’ll show you 3 “before & after” examples so you can see how it’s done.) Page 74

  • How to embody the 6 ultra high-status personality traits top Hollywood actors use to MELT any woman they meet. (Hint: It has nothing to do with being rich or famous.) Page 65

  • How to get the hottest women interested in you by QUALIFYING them. (Most guys get this wrong which drives them away. I’ll show you 3 examples that show you how to do this correctly.) Page 77

  • How to TEASE a woman playfully when she “misbehaves” so that she constantly seeks approval from you. Page 98

And much, much more…

Good question.

As you saw from my story above, I became completely OBSESSED with online dating. It was the only way I could consistently get dates with women and back then.

And after spending 5 years testing different material and practicing my skills, I’ve gotten everything down to a SCIENCE.

When you go from one end of the dating food chain to the other, you gain some perspective. And I’d like to use that perspective to help you overcome your challenges with women by showing you how I did it.

However, I’m a firm believer that actions speak louder than words, so the real reason you should listen to me is because…

Most people are all talk and no action, but not me. Take a look at the picture below. This is a screenshot of my inbox from my Hotmail account.

I got so many emails from women I had to make a separate folder to keep track of them all. Notice that they come in from not one, but several major dating sites including Match.com, Plenty of Fish, and Lavalife.

Notice how I don’t have thousands of emails in my inbox like some other “experts” would have you believe. Know why?

Because it’s complete BULLSH*T. I’m all about results… but results that are REALISTIC.

On average I was getting anywhere from 20 to 30 emails per week. It’s not astronomical, but it’s real. That’s what you get with my material – results that are achievable.

These emails are 100% authentic. I only blurred their names and contact info to protect their privacy. Check them out:

And here’s the best part…

These emails can be easily customized to match your own personality and style. I’ll show you what I said, word for word, so you can tweak & modify them any way you like.

Then just send them out to as many women as you like and prepare to be amazed at how many responses you get.

I’ve tested these emails more than anything else, so you can feel confident that they’ll work for you.)

But don’t take my word for it…

“I’ve Received Almost 30 Replies

In Less Than A Week…”

Hey Mike,

I’ve given it almost a week, and have definitely seen some incredible results! I had a previous profile on a dating site, and despite having sent out many messages, I didn’t get a single reply.

After reading your book though, I understood better what attracts women to certain profiles, and created a new one using your techniques. Believe it or not, this time around I received almost 30 replies in less than a week!

Now my major problem is juggling all of these girls online and finding the time to date them in person. Can there be such as thing as too many girls interested in you?!

I think your main strength is that you explain what you’re trying to say in a way that makes it easy for people of all skill levels to understand what women are looking for so they can improve their online profiles and messages to properly communicate with them.

Ben N.

“I Now Get Responses From Women That

Are 8′s, 9′s & Even The Occasional 10…”

Hey Mike,

After going through your course, my response rate is higher and the quality of girls I’m receiving interest from has increasedas well. I now consistently get responses from 8s, 9s and even the occasional 10 in the mix.

Your email templates really helped me with this. They contain some teasing and qualifying, but they also allow you to introduce and talk about yourself. I’ve seen email templates from other sources where the person does nothing but put the girl down and brag about himself.

Your templates were much better than anything I’ve ever used, and I actually customized a few and got several responses. There were even a few women who I had messaged a few times before with no luck. But when I sent them a message similar to yours, they actually wrote me back!

I also gotta tell you about my recent successes, which include a blonde, an “8″ who is very into me, an even cuter brunette who I laid, and a gorgeous Indian girl who has a body that makes me drool.

And it’s all thanks to your course.

Thank you Mike. You are the man!

John P.

“And Within 10 Minutes, She Responded…”

I was very excited to improve my online game as I had a hard time maintaining a good conversation with a woman. They would start strong, but then it would just die. Now after reading your book I could talk to women about anything with ease.

I used the very first email template and customized it so it fit my personality, sent it to the first attractive girl I found, and literally within 10 minutes she responded. (She wanted to make sure she received points!)

Your book definitely makes you stand out from the hoards of men that try to pursue women online.

I really enjoyed reading it and it improved my response rate a lot!

Matt K.

“Mike Doesn’t Tell You To Pretend

To Be Something You’re Not…”

Hey man,

I used your email templates a few times and got great responses almost EVERY time. The conversation routines were also helpful. I mean, even if you use a different opener, the routines tell you where to take the conversation so you don’t look like a moron.

Also, I gotta say I LOVED the chapter on “Assumed Constraints” and “Limiting Beliefs”; those were real eye-opening for me. It doesn’t matter if you’re already the definition of Alpha Male, you’ll still benefit from this chapter.

In fact, I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say that it’s probably the best book on the topic, which is rarely addressed in such an interesting manner.

To be honest man, your book has the potential to have someone find the “love of their life” online. Haha, I’m not even exaggerating. If someone follows these rules, their relationship will start on a “mature” note, which will hopefully “creep” into their whole relationship.

What I like the most is that you don’t tell people to pretend to be something they’re not, but rather, you focus on changing them into a “winner”.

Seriously, if anyone was on the fence about this one, I’d push them off. This is a must-get.

Great job man!

Kevin B.

“Mike’s Material Will Impress Even

The Most Experienced Pick Up Artists…”

Mike offers a complete blueprint of online dating which is far more original, better written and certainly far wittier than most of the material I’d previously read on the subject.

What’s more, Mike manages to tick all the boxes a girl usually looks for in a guy, whilst remaining “Alpha” and never becoming meek or soapy. In that sense, “Boy Clicks Girl” truly is a rarity: an ethical dating book!

The strength of Mike’s e-book lies in his no non-sense approach to online dating, and if you are new to dating sites, his advice is solid and will set you apart from 99% of the guys out there.

He takes you step-by-step through the various stages of choosing your profile pictures, drafting your dating profile, selecting your potential dates and opening them, following up conversations and finally asking the girl out.

Mike provides openers, re-usable and customizable email templates, and original routines. Some of his material is pure gold, and will impress even the most experienced of PUAs. What’s more, is his templates are witty – even hilarious at times – and extremely well written.

If you are just getting started with the online game Boy Clicks Girl is worth its weight in gold: it will save you months of fumbling in the dark, getting progressively discouraged.

Within an hour, you will be set up with a profile and a bag of tricks that will truly set you apart. More advanced PUAs will find inspiration in Mike’s eloquent style, and his clever routines and re-openers. A must-have!

Jackson Reinerman

Author of Online PUA


“Within The First Hour, I Received More

Replies To My Emails Than I Have

In The Last 3 Months Combined…”


My man, where do I begin singing your praises? I finished the book and have been putting some of the practices into action.

It hasn’t even been 5 hours & I’ve already got more responses than I have the entire month of June, July & October combined. Plus, one of the responses was from the hottest girl I’ve ever seen, a total 10.

Left to my own devices there’s no WAY I would have been able to pull this off with her. I used the “you sounded normal and used punctuation” and “send him 37 pictures of sumo guys” email parts, and she ate it up.

Within the first HOUR of “going live” with my profile and email-style changes, I received more replies to my emails than I have in the last 3 months combined.

Mike breaks it down each step along the way, giving exact word-for-word examples to build off of. He includes what worked for him and what didn’t and even goes as far as showing where he made mistakes in some personal examples.

He gives you all the tools you need to build off of his ideas and run with it to make it your own. He doesn’t say “do this and it will work,” but rather “this is what worked for me, try this, make it your own, and here’s the concept you’re going for in order to achieve success.”

All that stuff about how to build a profile, how to send an email, how to reply and set up a date is wonderful, but his book stood out for me in another important way.

Mike gives you ways to become better. Not a better person, a better YOU.

He gives clear examples and tips on how to write, what to write, and how to respond, but also takes the time to suggest how you can better yourself to increase your chances with the opposite gender.

Mike’s book made me a better online dater, sure, but he made me a better me, also–I’m more confident, I look better, I feel better, I dress better, and I act better.

Life is all about investments, whether it’s in stocks for your financial situation, an education for a career, training for a sport, or learning to show the opposite gender how amazing of a guy you really are.

This book is no different. I can honestly and easily say that it is worth its weight in gold. Mike taught me how to emphasize my strong points, improve my weak points, and better convey and communicate these to women.

When done right and followed to the T, this book will do wonders for your life–inside and out.

I can’t say thanks enough, man. Even as I sit here writing this, my phone is buzzing telling me I have more emails waiting for me.

Thank you again.

Taylor (aka JT)

“I Sent Out 10 Messages & Got Back

9 Replies Within The First Hour…”

Hey Mike,

I just finished reading your book, and I’ve gotta tell you…it’s pure gold!

I sent out 10 messages yesterday and got back 9 replies within the first hour! You are a genius, my friend. I’m absolutely amazed!

I have read other ebooks on online dating from some well-known figures in PUA, but yours blows theirs away!

Your book is fully comprehensive, you even touched on the inner game that has to come before the online game, which I thought was great.

Every time I read something in your book and then thought to myself “ok, but then what?” you ended up answering those questions later. I feel like you left no stone unturned.

Your sample profiles, email templates, and “bag of goodies” were eye-opening and are going to be a HUGE help to me.

Thanks again!

Dennis H.

“You Need No Prior Knowledge of The Game

To Get Girls With This Product…”

Hey Mike,

It’s been a long time, but I wrote you a review. I know it’s taken ages, but I actually went and tested some of your material because I felt uncomfortable writing about a product I never used. I like to be thorough in the things I do, so I feel this is better for both you and I. :-)

The Review:

Hey everyone,

A while ago, Mike tapped me to check out his “Boy Clicks Girl” e-book. I’d never considered online dating, but Mike seemed cool and so I said “yes.” I’m glad I did – the material blew me away.

Most authors try to milk money out of you by stretching content over countless e-books and videos.

Mike, on the other hand, wrote a book that takes you from zero to hero in a few months and is bursting with useful information. Boy Clicks Girl (BCG) is a complete guide to meeting and attracting women online.

That’s right: you need no prior knowledge of The Game, PUA/seduction theory, etc to get girls with this product. Mike helps you become an attractive man from the ground up: from inner game to being high-value, this book has it all.

But where Boy Clicks Girl really shines is online game. I made a profile following Mike’s instructions and got more attention than I knew what to do with in just a few hours! I’ve been in The Game for many years now, but I never had the ability to meet gorgeous new women from the comfort of my home before – cool, huh?

I’ll be recommending Mike’s ebook to guys I know and I really wish more authors were like him.

George P.H.

Author of “The Man-Up Blog”


In addition, I’m going to give you even more techniques to ensure the process of meeting beautiful women online is as smooth as possible.

You’re going to learn things like…

  • How to be “first pick” for women by consistently getting your profile to show up at the TOP of the search results. Page 87

  • How to email a woman a second time without sounding desperate. (Use my special follow-up message that makes her feel guilty for not replying back to your first email.) Page 131

  • How to “punish” a woman in a fun way whenever she takes too long to write you back. Page 148

  • The one thing all dating sites encourage you to do that actually REPELS a woman. (I’ll show you what to do instead so you don’t ruin your chances of making a good first impression.) Page 103

  • What to do if she won’t meet you in person. (Say this & she’ll instantly feel comfortable meeting you for a date.) Page 158

  • 16 ways to show a woman you’re not a FREAK. (Follow these steps and you’ll never be placed on her ignore list again.) Page 108

  • 3 “seeds of curiosity” to sprinkle in your emails that leaves a woman wanting MORE. (That is… more of YOU.) Page 114

  • The 6 topics of conversation all women want men to bring up when they first get to know them. I’ll give you 3 questions per topic to ensure you keep the conversation flowing naturally. Page 138

  • The complete transcript of an instant messenger conversation I had with a woman. (I’ll show you exactly what I said that made her ask me out… TWICE.) Page 119

  • A “behind the scenes” look at how other guys email women and how to use their lack of knowledge AGAINST them. Page 124

  • How to write emails with perfect grammar and spelling even if you failed English class. Page 78

  • 11 words I include in my first email that INSTANTLY tells a woman I’m different than other guys. (This makes getting a response from a woman 10 times easier.) Page 109

  • An ingenious way to flirt with a woman by getting her to open her fridge. (You’re going to love this one.) Page 150

  • What to do at the end of your emails to ensure things don’t get stale and “fizzle out.” (Do this and you’ll never have to revive a dying conversation again.) Page 115

  • How to ask a woman for more pictures without sounding like a creep or a pervert. Page 139

  • What to do when a woman starts answering your questions with “And you?” (Get her to stop this annoying habit by sending her this snippet of text in your next email.) Page 144

  • The correct way to use pick-up lines on a woman. (Yes, there is a way to do this without turning her off. Fortunately it’s easy when you do this.) Page 153

  • How to build a DEEPER connection with a woman by transforming dull, everyday questions into powerful, stimulating conversations that engage her on an emotional level. Page 145

  • An easy way to show a woman you’re a man of ACTION and ADVENTURE even if you consider yourself boring. Page 149

  • The one topic you must NEVER talk about with a woman when you first meet her. Doing so will destroy any attraction she feels towards you. (Hint: It’s not sex.) Page 152

  • 7 common subjects men bring up that women hate. (Avoid these “no fly zone” areas to ensure you don’t sabotage your chances of success.) Page 138

  • How to answer the “What do you do?” question in a way that makes you STAND OUT. (Use this storytelling technique to TRANSFORM your 9 to 5 routine into something entertaining.) Page 151

  • The “10 Commandments” of building a profile that women find irresistible. (Once you use them, don’t be surprised if women start contacting you.) Page 46

  • 13 email subject lines that grab a woman’s attention so that she reads your messages FIRST. Page 55

  • A simple 4 step process to turn uninteresting “life events” into compelling, magnetic stories that will have women hanging on your every word. Page 84

  • 10 emergency questions you can use as “fuel” if the conversation runs dry. (That way she’ll give you more than just a “yes” or “no” answer.) Page 152

  • What you can do (starting today) that instantly puts you in the “winners” category with women. Page 134

  • 27 first date ideas that are cheap, fun, and unique. Show a woman you’re better than all those “dinner and movie chumps” by doing one of these. Page 157

  • My most treasured email routine that gets a woman to see you as that “special guy” she thought she’d never find. (Setting up a date with her after this is a piece of cake.) Page 154

  • How to make a woman feel excitement when she reads your profile by answering 10 simple questions. (I’ll show you an example so you can see how it’s done.) Page 81

  • The 7 personality traits that show a woman you’re an ALPHA MALE. (Once you incorporate these into your life, women won’t be able to resist you.) Page 30

Plus a whole lot more…

I’m going to up the ante and throw in a few bonus gifts free of charge as part of a special offer when you order today.

But since they include my most private & sensitive material that contain my most valuable secrets, I’m only going to make them available for a limited time.

Here’s what else you’re going to get:

My Own Personal Profiles

($97 value)

Yours FREE!

You’re going to get a copy of my own personal profile. This is the exact profile I’ve used to attract thousands of women over the last several years.

You’re going to see what I say (and why I say it) to ensure your profile is magnetic to women when they read it.

I’ll also show you several other profiles that are just as effective so that you have no shortage of “killer material” to work with.

My Email Transcripts With Women

($197 value)

Yours FREE!

You’re going to see exactly what I say to women online that gets them to write me back.

They’ve been tested on THOUSANDS of women and are designed to be customizable so you can adapt them to your own personality & style.

I guarantee you’ll be BLOWN AWAY by how effective they are. (Seriously, get ready.)

How To Pick Up Women On Facebook

($500 value)

Yours FREE!

This material was put together as a collaboration between myself and one of the leading experts on Facebook game.

Unfortunately his material is no longer in print (and no longer being sold), so I had to pay him $500 out of my own pocket to secure the rights to this material.

And it was worth every penny.

You’re going to learn ground breaking techniques that are NOT available anywhere else.

1 on 1 Email Support From Mike Mendell

($147 value)

Yours FREE!

Unlike other dating guru’s who outsource their customer support to absolute morons, if you have any questions, you will ONLY deal with me. (No middleman of any kind.)

Whether it’s filling out your profile, getting women to respond to you, or just setting up a date with a girl you like – ask me anything you want and I will PERSONALLY write you back within 24 hours.

That’s over $900 in value, but you get it all

for FREE when you order today.

Have you ever thought about how much it costs to meet women using traditional methods?

You know, things like:

Going out to bars and buying women drinks

($200/week or $10,000/year)

Signing up to a dating agency

(I almost did this, they wanted $1500 up front – no thanks)

Attending “dating bootcamps” taught by pick-up artists

($2500 – $5000 for just one weekend)

Impressing women with gifts, cars and trips

($100,000+ over several years)

Are you kidding me?

Who the hell wants to pay those ridiculous prices for methods that may not even land you a single date! You work damn hard for your money and in today’s economy when you’re asked to invest in something, it better deliver.

That’s why you’re going to get my very best material for meeting women online and setting up dates with them. I spent over $6,000 of my own money and 5 years of trial and error putting this program together for you.

But I won’t charge you anywhere near those insane prices. I don’t want rich guys to be the only ones who succeed with women. I want the “little guy” to win.

That’s why you won’t pay $2,000, $1,000, or $500. You won’t even pay $100. Your one time investment for this entire program is just $59.95 .

Make no mistake, this is my life’s work. I put my heart and soul into this package for you. It contains my most prized and treasured secrets about meeting women online. I guarantee this material will be LIFE CHANGING.

There is no other dating program out there that gives you this kind of value. But just to make things even easier…

I am 100% committed to making this a ZERO RISK proposition for you, even at this price. I don’t want you to have any doubts. I want you to feel GOOD about your investment and that’s why…

I Back Everything With My Exclusive

“Get Results Or Your Money Back”

60 Day Iron Clad 100% Guarantee

Guarantee Seal

You might be thinking all of this sounds too good to be true. Or maybe you’re asking yourself: “Can this stuff really work for me?”

The answer is YES.

All the material in this program has been extensively tested and proven to get results again and again.

But just in case you have any lingering doubts, I want to transfer all the risk from you to me.

Here’s how it works:

Go ahead and order this program right now and try out the techniques for a full 60 days.

If you don’t get more responses in the next 2 months than you’ve had in the entire previous year, I’ll send you a prompt and courteous refund on the spot.

No questions asked. No strings attached.

I can do this because I believe so strongly in what this material can do for you. I’ve seen so many guys dramatically improve their dating lives in just a few short hours.

And you can do the same.

I am THAT confident this program will produce results for you. (Because let’s face it, I wouldn’t be in business for very long if this didn’t work.)

And since you took the time and effort to try out my program, I’ll let you keep everything (including the bonuses) free of charge even if you decide to take advantage of this money-back guarantee.

That’s my promise to you.

Is that fair?

Or are you the kind of guy that just sits on the sidelines and gets jealous of other men that hook up with gorgeous women? If you’ve read this far, you’ve already proven that you have a strong desire to get this part of your life handled.

The only thing left to do is to take action and do it. Click the link below and start dating the women you really want, right now.

Look, up untill now, whatever you’ve been doing clearly isn’t working. You aren’t getting the results you want and nothing’s going to change unless you DO SOMETHING about it.

If you want to avoid the pain of going through life being a celibate loser who hangs around bars at night watching other guys get hot chicks, it’s time to stop doing what you normally do and try something DIFFERENT.

Don’t be another boring “chump” that settles for some 300 lb cow that orders you around like some obedient little dog. Be the guy with the girl that makes OTHER guys jealous.

Just click the “Download Now” button above and secure your copy of Boy Clicks Girl right now before the price jumps back up to $79.95.

You’ll be happy you did.

Things are about to get very exciting…

P.S. You know that “sinking” feeling you get in the pit of your stomach when you feel unworthy compared to other guys that are better with women than you are?

It’s time to put a stop to that right now.

You’re about to gain an UNFAIR advantage that most guys will never know about. Let them fight each other over women in bars and clubs while you secretly dominate the online dating scene and snatch the hottest women right under their noses.

P.P.S. With my material, you’ll NEVER have to approach a woman in public again. You’ll laugh at other guys that try so hard to impress them with their weak pickup lines and tiresome opening routines.

You’ll know how to bypass all that nonsense and go straight to the source. Setting up dates with beautiful women will NO LONGER be a challenge. It’ll become part of your everyday lifestyle, as common as picking up a loaf of bread at the corner store.

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